About Us

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“Welcome to Central American Wood Depot, where craftsmanship meets sustainability. Our passion for woodworking extends beyond creating beautiful pieces – it’s about honoring the natural beauty of wood while minimizing environmental impact.

We specialize in live edge wood sourced from fallen trees or sustainable tree removals, salvaging timber that would otherwise be discarded. 



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“Welcome to American Wood Depot, where craftsmanship meets sustainability. Our passion for woodworking extends beyond creating beautiful pieces – it’s about honoring the natural beauty of wood while minimizing environmental impact.

We specialize in live edge wood sourced from fallen trees or sustainable tree removals, salvaging timber that would otherwise be discarded. From these reclaimed materials, we craft bespoke tables tailored to your vision, ensuring each piece is as unique as it is eco-friendly.

With a focus on quality and innovation, we offer comprehensive table fabrication, repair, and reimagining services. Whether you’re looking to breathe new life into an old favorite or create a custom masterpiece, our skilled craftsmen are dedicated to exceeding your expectations.


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